Merry Christmas! Every year I make a manger that is my interpretation of where Jesus would have been born if he had been born that same year 2022.
This year I imagined that Jesus was born in prison. I hope you like it and help you see what Christmas represents.
I have made a lively video of the manger with the narration. Here's the video of the manger with English subtitles, and then you will find the text.
At that time, it became impossible to live in their country, so they had to leave their land to look for a place where there was an opportunity. Leaving without money was impossible, so they decided to accept that some people paid them for the trip, in exchange for carrying a package.
When they started the trip, María and José were expecting their first child. Upon reaching the border, the police began to question them, but they did not understand the language. Hours later they were arrested for drug trafficking. It did not help them to say that they did not know what was in the package.
They were transferred directly to the preventive prison. Each one to a different prison. Maria had a difficult entry. The fact that she was a gypsy made her cellmates receive her with suspicion and no one wanted to share anything with her. But as she learned the language and with her sympathy and simplicity, she has won over everyone.
In her cell the days have come to an end, and tonight, suddenly, Maria has to give birth. Her cellmate has given notice and the prison officials have gone immediately to help. The Minister of Justice, who spends special nights like Christmas in a prison with the officials, has also gone to the cell and since she is a doctor, she has been involved in the birth.Because of the screams, the other inmates have woken up – since in prison there is no privacy – and the officials have explained that María who was giving birth. The news has spread like wildfire. From her cells, the other women have followed the birth encouraging Maria. Two inmates who are nurses have helped Maria to give birth successfully. All the prisoners have congratulated Maria.
After giving birth, the minister has requested to issue a permit so that, the next day, her partner could visit her.
Those in charge of the prison say that they will consider options for this child to grow up outside these walls, because these periods of preventive prisons, that can be so long, are very unfair.
The case, which has been on the front page of newspapers and television news, has generated a vivid debate about the role of prison in our society. We cannot accept that it is mainly for poor people and that it does not offer solutions and alternatives. The prison should be a space for rehabilitation and not for punishment.
On January 6th, the Government, moved by the case, wants to approve a several measures to speed up trials, introduce restorative justice in judicial procedures, both for convicted and pre-trial prisoners, and ensure that the purpose of the prison is reinsertion and not punishment. It is also considering the option of creating, in the prison itself, a module for families.Knowing this, they have all decided that the child will be called Jesus, which means "the savior", because this child will really be their salvation.
From Bethlehem prison, for TV Bethlehem, Laia Bonet.